Celebrating the Very Best of Essex Research: Research and Impact Awards 2024

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On 22 May 2024, the University of Essex showcased its top-tier research achievements at the Celebrating Excellence in Research and Impact Awards ceremony on our Colchester campus. The event honoured individuals and projects that have significantly enhanced lives worldwide through Essex’s ground-breaking work.

In a spectacular ceremony, several prestigious awards were bestowed upon research pioneers, transformative projects, and innovative technical teams. Notably, the Essex Law School secured an impressive four awards across distinct categories, underscoring our commitment to excellence in diverse fields:

Professor Lorna Woods won the award for Best Research Impact in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities for her work on online safety.

The award for Outstanding Mid-Career Researcher went to Dr Matthew Gillett for his research on the use of international criminal law to protect vulnerable groups as well as the environment from grave harms.

Dr Nikhil Gokani, who influenced the approach WHO and civil society have taken on effective laws for food and alcohol labelling, won the award for Best Research Impact by an Early Career Researcher.

Professor Yseult Marique won an award for her piece in The Conversation titled: One in five councils at risk of ‘bankruptcy’ – what happens after local authorities run out of money.

The Essex Law School has previously scooped The Conversation award thrice, in 2020, 2021 and 2023!

Essex Law School colleagues celebrating excellence at the 2024 Research & Impact Awards Ceremony

While not all of our colleagues secured awards, their brilliance shone through nominations in key categories.

Among them, Dr Koldo Casla, Dr Erin Pobjie, Dr Matthew Gillett, and Dr Sabina Garahan jointly received a nomination for Best Research Impact.

Dr Nikos Vogiatzis was nominated in the Outstanding Mid-Career Researcher category (Faculty of Arts and Humanities) for his exceptional work on European law and the award of a Senior Humboldt Fellowship at the University of Cologne.

Dr Elena Sherstoboeva was also a runner-up for the Research Visibility Champion award for her diligence in running research visibility training for our School.

And, last but not least, Melissa King, from our professional services team, was nominated for the Outstanding Research Support award.

Professor Stavroula Karapapa, Faculty Dean Research (Arts & Humanities), at the 2024 Awards Ceremony

Professor Carla Ferstman, Director of Impact at Essex Law School, commented:

“There is so much dynamism and creativity coming from our research community at ELS who are pursuing impactful research that is making a real difference in the world. Congratulations to Lorna Woods and Nikhil Gokani on this important recognition of their work and to our fabulous runners-up: Koldo, Erin, Matthew and Sabina – for highlighting the incredibly impactful work of the Human Rights Clinic.”

Snapping success at the 2024 Excellence in Research and Impact Awards

A full list of this year’s winners will be available here

The awards are open to all academics, researchers, and doctoral students each year and signal the University’s commitment to world-class research that makes a difference.

Congratulations to everyone involved!

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